For about three years, the phrase "membranes are the future" has been repeated like a mantra in the hemp industry. A year ago I began a mission to prove this talk wrong, and show that membranes aren't the future; membranes are a proven technology that can be implemented in the here and now! Looking at the scope of all technologies offered at that time, and interviewing many people who had tried to implement TFF, I determined there were three areas that needed to be improved for widespread adoption of this technology:
The cost of systems was too high, and price gauging by vendors was commonplace.
Membranes were seen as too costly of a consumable and available from too few producers.
Very little video proof and demonstrations were available from the few people who had been early adopters.
As an early adopter myself, I knew it worked. But I also knew it would be a slow road to adoption until these three points were addressed. I decided I wouldn't debut a system of my own until I had answers. Today, i'm happy to provide that answer in the form of X-Spiral!

MFC's X-Spiral systems are affordably priced. They are not only less cost to install than other membrane skids, they are less cost than even the competing technologies like falling film evaporators.
Instead of tying the customer to overpriced proprietary membranes, we offer options from over 10 vendors, suitable for any possible combination of cutoffs and solvent selections. In the most widespread solvent systems, we offer prices as low as $400 per membrane element.
The skids have been demoed before live audiences with results posted publicly on social media.
Now, with full confidence, you can adopt the superior technology for solvent recovery. The advantages of TFF are many. Energy consumption of X-Spiral is only 5% that of falling films with similar throughput. The floor space requirements and complexity of installation are much lower, not requiring the giant heaters and chillers common in evaporation approached. Finally, the lack of heating in the process enables the processing of cannabinoids in their raw, natural state without any unnecessary decarboxylation. The future is now!